Saturday, July 25, 2009

Accessing the Internet: Connection Technologies by Joseph Miller

I must say that this article made me giggle.
My first home internet access was through WebTV.... and it was dial-up Does anyone else even know what that is or remember it? Then we had dial-up of some variety. And now DSL.

It also reminds me that even though a lot of people tend to think that the digital divide isn't a big deal or is shrinking... my in-laws can't get anything but dial-up. Well, they can, but it's outrageously expensive. They live in a fairly rural area, but it is not that far from several decently-sized cities. It definitely reminds me (on a regular basis) that the digital divide still exists and isn't just in highly isolated areas.

Oh, and I love wireless internet. :)

P.S. I didn't understand the TCP/IP articles in the slightest... I admit it...

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